Personal Anatomy Punishment Ch. 03

It feels like it's been forever! We have a quick recap to start us off because I myself could barely remember what was happening.

Ms Lin's POV:

Being a high school gym teacher came with certain responsibilities, but Lin wasn't happy that this one was keeping her at work. Worse, this 'demonstration' that the school principal Mr Robin set up surely meant she would have to change up her health class curriculum. Still, she was a responsible instructor (and a bit of a naïve employee), so she would get what she could from it. Mr Robin hadn't explained much, but she could deduce from previous conversations that it was probably about sex ed, and the thought made her wary. She was in a typical classroom with three other people present: Mr Simmons -- the male gym teacher -- and two upperclassmen (one male and one female) who she was told were to be 'aides' of some sort.

Ahh, Mr Simmons was finally here, and someone with him-- Oh shit. It was Evelyn, one of her students, but she was wearing only a pair of boyshorts and a hand-bra. She knew Evelyn was the guinea pig for some kind of new punishment regime, but she never imagined anything like this. The look on the girl's face said that she hadn't either. Right behind Evelyn was a smiling boy Ms Lin didn't recognize. And then Evelyn was asked by Mr Robin to lose her panties -- something about an 'anatomy lesson'.

Ms Lin's mind wandered. When her students were in the changing rooms and showers she made sure not to invade their privacy, giving them plenty of room, but occasionally a girl would make an unabashed display, and Ms. Lin couldn't help but look for just a second longer than necessary. She was as straight as mattered, so this was no mortal sin, right? But then she caught herself staring as Evelyn hiked her panties down her creamy thighs -- just a (disappointing) flash of curls before she covered up with a hand. Ms. Lin bolted her eyes to Evelyn's, only to see her staring back. Ms Lin flushed scarlet and looked anywhere in the room but at the scene in front of her. She felt so bad for the girl, but at the same time she started having thoughts about being up there herself, six pairs of eyes boring into her strip tease -- these really were not thoughts she should be having at her job, much less at her school.

Now Evelyn sat, nude, on a flimsy old school table, leaning back with her arms behind her and her legs shut tight. The previous activities had given her ruffled hair, a persistent blush, and a distant stare.


Mr Simmons, barely taking his eyes off her, walked up to Ori with two disposable gloves in his hand. "You'll be needing this for the next part, Ori."

Evelyn was very alarmed at where this was going. "Ori..." she warned, her voice sounding as if she was scolding a toddler, only more shaky.

Ori paid her barely a modicum of attention. He had been given a print-out of what this 'demonstration' was to include, and suffice it to say he was excited. He placed both his hands on Evelyn's corresponding knees and pushed firmly outwards, just waiting to gobble up the best view of her folds yet.

Evelyn gasped loud and was resisting Ori's push before she even had a chance to think about it. Having a boy spread your naked legs in school was so far from expected experience that she didn't even know what to think; she just wanted to keep her sex as invisible as possible. As Ori increased his pressure, the backs of her thighs stuck to the old table, and the skin pulling activated a reflex, causing her to lift her legs up and point her toes out.

Ori's eyes were absolutely locked onto her folds as she was split down the middle. Admittedly he couldn't see everything, but her outer lips were clearly spread at this point and he could see her vagina's entrance start opening up, as if inviting his touch.

Evelyn screwed her eyes shut at the image she was now giving the rest of the room. Her midriff was just slightly creased from her position, rising and falling quickly to her hard breathing; a hot, fluttering feeling in both her 'cores'. She wished she could be just about anywhere but here, and it was clear to the room that she was in some discomfort at this point. Ms. Lin prayed that Evelyn wouldn't have to go through much more, but the rest of the room's imagination wasn't so kind.

Ori continued, "It specifically says to stretch you all the way out," he said with a shrug.

She snapped her eyes open and retorted, "there's no way it says that."

"I don't know what to tell you. I'm not the one who wrote it." He waited a second for any input from behind him, and receiving none, he softly slid his hands halfway up Evelyn's thighs and pushed again.

"Uhh--" she exclaimed, but gave no resistance so as to avoid straining her hips. Ori was putting down more force than she felt was necessary, and she felt the pliable flesh of her inner thighs dimpling beneath his fingers.

Keeping his left hand on her thigh, Ori traced his other hand up to her slit, lightly tracing his thumb up and then back down her vulva. Her lips yielded partially to his touch, a bit of friction pulling the delicate skin slightly with his gloved thumb. This was the first pussy Ori had gotten to experience up close, and he did not feel disappointed.

Evelyn felt more fear rise in her as he touched her most private place. She hadn't let any boy touch her there before, and although she wasn't so prudish as to be opposed to the idea, it was the fact that she was being forced to experience it that scared her. Ori wasn't giving her any warning either; no description or whatever pretense was on that goddamn paper.

Switching to his index finger, Ori sought out her entrance. He slid his finger in two just knuckles deep, twisting slightly as he went. Her vagina wasn't totally lubricated and her hymen was still partially intact, but paradoxically this heightened the sensation for both of them. He savored the feeling of her soft, warm, and gently moist orifice pushing back slightly against his finger; she scorned what he was doing to her body.

"Ori, you have to describe what's happening up there. A class of 40 people wouldn't be able to see much of anything," Mr Simmons grumpily pointed out. In reality, all he wanted was some vicarity to Ori.

"Right, uhh, following the instructions, I found Evelyn's vagina and I'm inserting my finger." He didn't like putting it so clinically, but it was so damn weird to be explaining these things to one of your teachers. He pushed his finger most of the way in and twisted it around again, trying to memorize the topology of Evelyn's velvety inner walls.

Evelyn had her eyes shut again and a slight grimace on her face. She was trying to play the part of a manikin, but Ori's finger's friction was forcing that warm feeling to grow and rise up her abdomen. Her vaginal muscles clenched as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. She was feeling properly violated now, and her only focus was on making her reactions as small as possible.

He really didn't want to remove his finger from its warm embrace, but he did anyway, with it making the slightest squelching noise as it was released. Liquid reflected on the tip of the glove. Well, he was glad Evelyn was enjoying this on some level too. God, he really wanted to know how she tasted, but he stopped himself on the basis of maintaining some propriety.

After one more quick peek at the paper he was back between Evelyn's legs. One final time to get to play with this pretty little pussy. "Now I'm pushing back her clitoral hood... ahh, there she is."

Against her will, Evelyn's hips bucked to get more purchase from Ori's finger on the most sensitive part of her body. God, this was so degrading, but after being strewn about naked and felt up for the past hour she couldn't deny that she wanted release. Not that she was ever going to give them the satisfaction; it was just what her body naturally screamed for.

Ms Lin did not like what she was seeing. One of her students was being forcibly stimulated, nude, in the middle of her school. Hell, the blinds on the windows weren't even pulled.

Seeing Evelyn's unwitting reaction made Ori realize he really wanted to make Evelyn cum, and he figured this was his best chance. Knowing that he didn't have much time before one of the teachers stopped him, he feverishly rubbed his slick finger up and down Evelyn's ever-expanding clitoris. Then he dipped his thumb into her ever-growing pool of juices to get two fingers in on the action.

Evelyn opened her mouth in a silent, contorted gasp and rotated her hips around to get some relief from Ori's aggressive touch, but he followed her squirming bud the whole way. He was doing way too much, and she felt the feeling in her core over-tighten as he overstimulated her. She couldn't take much more of this at all, but whether that was because it would become too painful or too arousing to stay on this side of orgasm she didn't know. In an ironic turn, during the one time she could have gotten Ori to stop the thought didn't even pass her mind, so caught up in sensation was she.

No more than twenty seconds past, but it felt like several times more than that to everyone in the room. It was obvious to everyone what Ori was trying to do (and how could it not be with Evelyn now squirming wantonly). Mr Simmons was drinking it up, moving his vantage point to get a better view of the girl's inflamed genitals. The male student aid, Jason, was doing the same, more than a little jealous of Ori's position. Rebecca was in equal parts feeling sympathy and the sort of horror where you can't look away from the scene unfolding in front of you. And, if she had focused on it, she was aroused as well -- the various wires crossed in her brain and created a watered-down version of Evelyn's own emotional state.

But no one was horrified like Ms Lin. She couldn't simply watch as one of her students got molested like this. The mortification of being forced to orgasm in front of your students and teachers would be too much for the girl, even in a time like this. "ORI!" she nearly shouted, coming on stronger than she meant to, "are you just about finished there?"

Evelyn felt Ori immediately stop touching her, leaving her just at the precipice of her orgasm. Her clit was nearly burning, her entire pelvic region was clenched, and her face was just opening up in preparation to release the moan she had been holding back for the past few minutes. As Ori removed his fingers an intense shiver started at her core and ran through to her extremities, intensifying again at her stiffened nipples; her body telling her that she had to get back to the heat of Ori's stimulation as if it was the sustaining warmth of a campfire.

Now it was Ori's turn to blush, caught in the act of trying to get Evie off for his own enjoyment. Without looking back to the spectators, he scanned over his itinerary. "Uhh, yeah that's all I have here..."

"Alright then I believe we're finished here," Ms Lin retorted as she stood up to help Evelyn down.

If someone had brought Evelyn an emotion chart and asked how she was feeling in that moment, she would have to simply scrawl "YES" over the entire surface. She was immensely grateful for the ability to finally close her legs, feeling on her ass the couple drops of now-cool wetness she had dribbled onto the table as she did so. She opted to drill her eyes into the linoleum floor instead of shooting daggers at Ori like she really wanted to.

Ms Lin helped Evelyn down and retrieved her panties for her. The feeling of the cotton on her engorged clit sent another momentary shiver down Evelyn's spine. Being half-clothed somehow made her more self-conscious, so she lazily covered her breasts with her arm. She realized how ridiculous it was in context, but old habits die hard.

Mr Simmons gave a conclusion to the session, noting how *educational* it was and how they would have to acquire a camera and projector so the entire class could benefit. Evelyn wondered how he could make everything sound so lecherous and felt bad for whatever poor soul they were going to hire for the real sex ed classes.


Before she knew it, Evelyn was properly clothed and heading back out of the nurse's room. She just wanted a shower to wash this all away.

Ori was waiting for her by the door as she came out. "Hey Evie, I'm really sorry if I got carried away, I hope--"

"You HOPE? What do you hope Ori, that I won't hate your fucking guts? Get out of my way you heathen bitch!" she screamed as she pushed him out of her way. "And you're never calling me 'Evie' again!"

Wow, someone's angry.

So, this is the end of this scene and this day. I didn't expect it to end so soon but this is what felt natural. But I felt bad posting so little this time (and after so long) so I wrote a fourth part and it definitely will be out in a week or two. Enjoy!


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